The High School Data Science Controversy
Jelani Nelson, ISSI Advisory Committee member, discusses the recent push for high school data science courses as alternatives for traditional math in this video of his...Read more about The High School Data Science Controversy
Legal Challenges Threaten DEI Programs
Recently, corporate diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) programs across the country have been targeted by legal adversaries that claim such programs are discriminatory. ISSI faculty affiliates Khiara M. Bridges and Catherine Fisk are quoted in the...Read more about Legal Challenges Threaten DEI Programs
Confronting Legislative Attacks on Higher Education
John Douglass, faculty affiliate of the Center for Right-Wing Studies has published an essay regarding right-wing attacks on higher education. Comparing examples from across the globe, Douglass discusses the effect of growing neonationalist populism on academic communities...Read more about Confronting Legislative Attacks on Higher Education
First Time Home
The film First Time Home, co-produced by Seth Holmes, Berkeley Center for Social Medicine co-chair, shares the journey of four second generation American teenagers who want to return to their families’ ancestral homes in southern Mexico....Read more about First Time Home
Understanding Filipinx Residents of Hawaii
In this Berkeley News interview, Asian American Research Center faculty affiliate Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez explains why there are so many...Read more about Understanding Filipinx Residents of Hawaii
Grant for Teaching Excellence Across Oakland Schools
In collaboration with the Berkeley School of Education 21CSLA and the Nevada National Board Professional Learning Network, Travis Bristol, faculty affiliate of the Center for Research on Social Change, has been awarded a grant to boost teaching excellence. Bristol...Read more about Grant for Teaching Excellence Across Oakland Schools
Black Lives at Cal
Black Lives at Cal, a project supported by ISSI, has released a self-guided Black history audio tour of UC Berkeley! Hear about the stories of Black students, faculty, and...Read more about Black Lives at Cal
Conceptualizing the Biophysical Afterlife of Slavery
Tiana Bruno, faculty affiliate of the Center for Research on Social Change, has published a new article in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers. Bruno’s article, "Ecological Memory in the Biophysical Afterlife of Slavery," discusses...Read more about Conceptualizing the Biophysical Afterlife of Slavery
Structural Competency and Global Public Health
A number of Berkeley Center for Social Medicine faculty, student affiliates, and former visiting scholars have contributed to this special issue of Global Public Health, "Structural Competency in Global Perspective.” Editors and authors of the collection include:...Read more about Structural Competency and Global Public Health
California Climate Action Seed Grants
The University of California has awarded Peter Nelson, faculty affiliate of the Joseph A. Myers Center for Research on Native American Issues, with a California Climate Action Seed Grant to fund his work towards wildfire control. Nelson’s project, Forging Essential...Read more about California Climate Action Seed Grants
Welcoming Lok Siu as Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
Lok Siu, chair of the Asian American Research Center, has been named Associate Vice Chancellor for Research at UC Berkeley. Her new term will begin in January 2024; she will serve as the point...Read more about Welcoming Lok Siu as Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
Towards Equity in the Criminal Justice System
With an award of $3 million from the National Science Foundation, a multidisciplinary team from UC Berkeley, including ISSI, has started...Read more about Towards Equity in the Criminal Justice System
New Textbook: Latino Psychosocial and Health Problems
The second edition of the textbook Solving Latino Psychosocial and Health Problems, by Center for Research on Social Change affiliate Kurt Organista,...Read more about New Textbook: Latino Psychosocial and Health Problems
Holding Public Health Accountable
A leader in antiracism and social transformation, Amani Allen, faculty affiliate of Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, is spearheading Berkeley Public Health’s journey towards becoming a more anti-racist institution,...Read more about Holding Public Health Accountable
On the Brink of the Terracene
In the new book Terracene: A Crude Aesthetics (Duke University Press), Asian American Research Center faculty affiliate Salar Mameni theorizes the emergence of the Terracene: a period...Read more about On the Brink of the Terracene
Racialization and Educational Inequality in Global Perspective
Janelle Scott, faculty affiliate of the Center for Research on Social Change, is co-editor of ...Read more about Racialization and Educational Inequality in Global Perspective
In Memoriam: Aaron Cicourel
Professor Aaron Cicourel, a long-time member of the ISSI community, passed away in 2023 at the age of 94. His ...Read more about In Memoriam: Aaron Cicourel
Legal Vigilantism
Larry Rosenthal, Chair of the Center for Right-Wing Studies, has coined the term “legal vigilantism” to describe a new form of right-wing activism. For example, after the Supreme Court’s recent decision banning affirmative action, America First Legal sent 200 letters...Read more about Legal Vigilantism
New Training Program: Computational Research for Equity in the Legal System
ISSI is part of a team that has received a $3-million grant from the National Science Foundation for Computational Research for Equity in the Legal...Read more about New Training Program: Computational Research for Equity in the Legal System
Citizenship, Race, and Disease
Asian American Research Center Graduate Student Joshua Acosta is the author of an essay for Nursing Clio, a venue for histories of medicine, race, and gender. "...Read more about Citizenship, Race, and Disease
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