Visiting Scholars Program

The Institute for the Study of Societal Issues (ISSI) and its constitutent centers welcome foreign and domestic scholars to apply for short and long term residence at the UC Berkeley campus.  ISSI provides scholars with access to office space (if available), participation in Institute and campus programs and events, and a lively intellectual community.  Scholars are expected to provide their own funding.  Scholars are given an opportunity to publish their papers on the California Digital Library and to share their work with graduate students, faculty, and community members.

Please review the general information about becoming a Visiting Scholar or Visiting Student Researcher at UC Berkeley.

Procedure for applying to be a visiting scholar at ISSI or one of the ISSI centers

1.  Please send your request to be a visiting scholar to Deborah Lustig (see address below). Requests for visiting scholar positions must include:

  • A brief letter of nomination from a faculty or academic staff member affiliated with ISSI or one of the ISSI centers, indicating the appropriateness of the scholar's research to the mission and community of ISSI/center. (The nominator should be someone other than the Director of ISSI, unless the Director has already had previous contact with the scholar.)
  • The proposed visiting scholar's CV and a brief statement of the research to be undertaken while a visiting scholar at ISSI.
  • Indication of whether the proposed visiting scholar needs office space.
  • The dates requested.

Requests must be submitted at least six months before the planned start date.

If accepted as a visiting scholar, the scholar will pay a University administrative services fee ($750 for those with a doctorate, $1,000 for Visiting Student Researchers) and an ISSI Visiting Researcher fee of $1,000, in addition to any visa fees (if applicable).

For more information

For more information about ISSI's program, please contact Dr. Deborah Lustig, Associate Director, Institute for the Study of Societal Issues: E-mail: dlustig AT

For more information about Visiting Scholar requirements for domestic and international scholars, and for information about assistance provided through the University's Visiting Scholars Program (e.g., finding housing, gaining access to the University's libraries, gyms, and art galleries), please consult the following University of California websites:

Visiting Scholars and Postdoc Affairs (VSPA):

International Office: