Grants in Asian American Research

A composite of multiple photos reflecting aspects of Asian American life

Call for Proposals 

for University of California, Berkeley, Faculty and Graduate Students 

Grant period: December 1, 2023 through November 30, 2024 

Application deadline: Monday, October 23, 2023, 5:00pm (PT)

The Asian American Research Center (AARC) invites proposals from current UCB faculty and graduate students working on scholarly, community engagement, and/or creative projects that focus on Asian American populations. We seek projects that center Asian American perspectives, agency, and epistemologies. We are especially interested in funding projects that engage communities as partners and/or involve Asian American populations. 


AARC accepts proposals from a wide range of topics and disciplinary approaches. Intersectional analysis is particularly welcomed.

Grant Funding

The grant can be used to complete an entire project, to provide seed money to start a larger project, or to accomplish smaller tasks of a larger project.  

Due to the competitive selection process, the final amount awarded may be less than the amount requested. All funds must be spent by November 30, 2024. 

Maximum amount of each faculty award is $5,000. Faculty can request funds for GSR funding, research travel, and/or other research-related expenses. Funds cannot be used for conference travel/registration.

Maximum amount of each graduate student award is $5,000, but most graduate student awards will be under $3,000. Graduate students can request funds for living expense stipends (as taxable and financial aid reportable income) and/or for reimbursement for research travel and/or other research-related expenses. Funds cannot be used for conference travel/registration.


Applicants may submit only one proposal in any one funding cycle. Competitive candidates who do not receive funding for this cycle are encouraged to reapply in future cycles. 

Grant monies cannot be used for the purchase of computer equipment, books, and/or any other materials for personal use. Purchases of equipment and other materials for the project must be pre-approved and will be considered the property of the University of California, Berkeley. 

Eligibility and Requirements

All research involving human subjects must be approved by the Office for the Protection of  Human Subjects (OPHS) by the start of the funding period to ensure the protection of participants’ rights and welfare in the research process. 

All UC Berkeley faculty members are eligible. UC Berkeley staff members with PI status are also eligible to apply for the faculty grant.

All UC Berkeley graduate students are eligible.

Previous recipients who have completed the reporting for their grant are eligible, but priority will go to those who have not yet received the grant.

Please acknowledge funding from the Asian American Research Center, UC Berkeley, in any websites, publications, presentations, or other products that result.


A final report must be submitted within a month after the conclusion of the grant term and must include a brief summary of the project for publication on our website and in other communications (newsletter, social media). Grantees may be invited to present their work, whether completed or in-progress, at an AARC event.

Application Process


The faculty application form is available here.

You will be asked to provide:

  • An abstract of up to 250 words
  • Budget and budget justification/rationale (as pdf, with filename: lastname_firstname_budget.pdf) 
  • Statement of project (as pdf; 750 words max, with filename: lastname_firstname_statement.pdf) Please include last name, first name at the top  of the page. Please identify specific outcomes that the funding will make possible and include a timeline for the project. If there are any co-PI’s or other collaborators, please include that information in the statement.
  • CV (of PIs) (as pdf; 3 pages max, with filename: lastname_firstname_CV.pdf) 

Graduate Students

The graduate student application is available here (24-25 Application will be available early in Fall 2024)

You will be asked to provide:

  • An abstract of up to 250 words
  • Budget and budget justification/rationale (as pdf, with filename: lastname_firstname_budget.pdf) 
  • Statement of project (as pdf; 750 words max, with filename: lastname_firstname_statement.pdf) Please include last name, first name at the top  of the page. Please identify specific outcomes that the funding will make possible and include a timeline for the project. If there are any co-PI’s or other collaborators, please include that information in the statement.
  • CV (of PIs) (as pdf; 3 pages max, with filename: lastname_firstname_CV.pdf)
  • Letter of support from a faculty member (as pdf, with filename: lastname_firstname_letter.pdf). The letter should address the following points:
    • How does this proposed project help advance the student's masters or doctoral research?
    • Is the student making good academic progress?

Deadline: Monday, October 23, 2023 by 5PM (Pacific Time) 

Award notifications: November 29, 2023 (anticipated). 

Questions? Contact or 510 642-0813