In this essay in American Anthropologist, Peter Nelson, faculty affiliate of ISSI's Center for Research on Native American Issues and former ISSI Graduate Fellow, explains how...Read more about Where Have All the Anthros Gone?
John Douglass, faculty affiliate of ISSI's Center for Right-Wing Studies and Center for Research on Social Change, has published several op-eds related to his recent book Neo-Nationalism and Universities: Populists, Autocrats and the Future of Higher...Read more about Neo-Nationalism and Universities
First Time Home, a participatory ethnographic film, is an official selection of the Portland Film Festival. Produced by Seth Holmes, Co-Chair of ISSI's Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, First Time Home premiered at the Portland Film...Read more about Transnational Indigenous Identities
Lisa Hirai Tsuchitani, former ISSI Graduate Fellow and now a faculty affiliate of ISSI's Asian American Research Center, has been selected by the Cal Alumni Association Board of Directors and the UC Berkeley Foundation Board of Trustees to receive the...Read more about Congratulations Lisa Hirai Tsuchitani
ISSI faculty affiliate Jovan Scott Lewis, who is a member of California's state task force on reparations, is featured in this KPIX5 CBS Bay Area television interview about his...Read more about Historic Tulsa & Reparations
But seriously, who? Because while it is Hispanic Heritage Month, the notion of a multiracial, multinational, pan-ethnic identity called "Hispanic" is a relatively recent and somewhat haphazard invention in the United States. This Code Switch episode features an...Read more about Who You Calling 'Hispanic'?
Over the last year, crimes against the Asian American and Pacific Islander population in America has increased by 146 percent. Many link the cause to the Trump administration's use of racist rhetoric when addressing the coronavirus crisis. In this CBS News article, Lok...Read more about The Painful History of Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in America