Joint Conference on Right-Wing Studies and Research on Male Supremacism
August 3-6, 2020
Sponsored by: The Institute for Research on Male Supremacism
Co-sponsored by: Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies.
This virtual conference brought together researchers focused on the right-wing and male supremacism for panels, networking events, training sessions, and keynote speakers.
Full Schedule
Monday, August 3 (optional preconference training on digital security) | 9:00am - 2:00pm
Tuesday, August 4th
8:30am – 10:10am: Panel Presentations
Targeting “Gender Ideology” and LGBTQ Rights
Chair: Carol Mason
- The many gay agendas: The making and remaking of anti-LGBTQ conspiracies, Evelyn Schlatter, Southern Poverty Law Center
- Beyond “Culture War” and Right-Wing Demagoguery: Fifty Shades of Gender and Sexuality between Moral Conservatism and Sex Radicalism, Ying-Chao Kao, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Reactionary Populism and Gender: Emergence of Anti-gender Movements in East Central Europe, Mina P. Baginova, Charles University Prague and University College London (UCL)
- Gender and the Revival of National Catholicism. A Study of Opposition to Feminism in Spain, Marcel Obst, University of Warwick
10:20am – 12:00pm: Panel Presentations
Women and the Anti-: Abortion, Reproduction, Sexual Harassment, Equal Rights
Chair: Victoria Phillips
- Co-Opted Compliance: How Men’s Rights Groups Shape the Meaning of Title IX (1972-2020), Jessica Cabrera, University of California-Irvine
- Agitating for theocracy at the local level: The Anti-Abortion Movement Targets North Carolina’s Capital as a ‘Sanctuary for the Unborn, Cloee Cooper, Political Research Associates
- The New Pronatalism: Reproductive Health Care from Fascism to Forza Nuova, Diana Garvin, University of Oregon
- The Militant Culture of a Female Right-Wing Organization: The Example of Phyllis Schlafly and Eagle Forum, Amelie Ribieras, Pantheon-Sorbonne University