Conference for Research on Male Supremacism and Right-Wing Studies
May 10-14, 2021
The third annual Conference on Right-Wing Studies, was held jointly with the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism and the Conference for Research on Male Supremacism. This virtual conference brought together researchers focused on the right-wing and male supremacism for five days of panels, networking events, training sessions, and keynote speakers.
Over the course of five days, 60 presenters from the Americas, Europe, and Australia presented on their ongoing research into various aspects of right-wing and supremacist ideologies and movements. Topics under the category of right-wing studies include online mobilization, intellectuals and ideology, violence and terrorism, identity and emotion, pop culture and gaming, branding and marketing, white supremacism and its intersections, youth and campuses, funding, and more.
The conference also included digital security training, discussion of the emotional toll of this work, social hours, and keynote panels on significant contemporary topics and threats.
Sponsored by: The Institute for Research on Male Supremacism and Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies.
Co-sponsored by: Southern Poverty Law Center,Political Research Associates, Western States Center.
Full Schedule:
Monday, May 10th
8am-9:45am PT: Panel: Right-Wing Marketing and Manipulation
Chair: Meredith L. Pruden, Georgia State University
Hanah Stiverson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – “‘Relentlessly Patriotic’: The Commodification of Male Supremacy and White Nationalism”
Meghan Conroy, Loughborough University – Conceptualizing and Measuring Political Engagement Inspired by Reactionary Ideological Entrepreneurs on YouTube
Anna Schwenck, Siegen University – Authoritarian Masculinity and Entrepreneurship in Gangsta-rapper Kollegah’s Self-Fashioning
Ben Palmquist, Partners for Dignity & Rights – Parroting the Right: How Media and Polling Company Adoption of Insurance Industry Spin Warps Democracy
10am-11:45am PT: Panel: Fear, Fantasy, and Feelings on the Far-Right
Chair : Chelsea Ebin, Centre College
Sophie Bjork-James, Vanderbilt University – “White Genocide”: Digital Cultures and the shape of White Nationalist Fear
Josefine Landberg, Lund University
Sophie Schmalenberger, Aarhus University – Hooked on a (far-right) Feeling: The AfD, Memory and an ‘Alternative German-ness’ for Germany
Julian Castro-Rea and Gerardo Centeno García, University of Alberta – TUMOR: the (Dis)organization of the Right-Wing Resistance Against Mexico’s “Fourth Transformation.”
12pm-1:15pm PT: Welcome to CRWS & IRMS, with CRWS Chair Lawrence Rosenthal
Breakout discussion: What are the current priorities for right-wing studies?
1:30-2:30pm PT: Social Hour/Open Discussion: The Emotional Toll of Researching Supremacist Movements
Tuesday, May 11th
8am-9:45am: Keynote: Attacks on Critical Race Theoryand Decolonizing Education: Maintaining Institutional Racism in the U.S. and Europe (Speaker bios at link)
Moderator: Stephen Small, Director, Institute for the Study of Societal Issues
Daniel HoSang, Yale University
Adrienne Davis, Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity at Washington University in St. Louis
Rokhaya Diallo, Gender+ Justice Initiative at Georgetown University
Kwame Nimako, Black Europe Summer School