
Title Author Year Publication type
Quixote's Soldiers A Local History of the Chicano Movement, 1966–1981 David Montejano 2010 Book
Becoming Imperial Citizens: Indians in the Late-Victorian Empire Sukanya Banerjee 2010 Book
The Pastoral Clinic: Addiction and Dispossession along the Rio Grande Angela Garcia 2010 Book
What's the Use of Race? Modern Governance and the Biology of Difference Ian Whitmarsh; David S. Jones 2010 Book
Working For Justice: The L.A. Model of Organizing and Advocacy Joshua Bloom 2010 Book
The Lost Boys of Zeta Psi: A Historical Archaeology of Masculinity in a University Fraternity Laurie Wilkie 2010 Book
Like a Knife: Ideology and Genre in Contemporary Chinese Popular Music Andrew F. Jones 2010 Book
Racial Geometries of the Black Atlantic, Asian Pacific and American Theatre Shannon Steen 2010 Book
Prisons of Poverty Loic Wacquant 2009 Book
Gendered Citizenships: Transnational Perspectives on Knowledge Production, Political Activism, and Culture Kia Lilly Caldwell; Kathleen Coll; Tracy Fisher; Renya K. Ramirez; Lok Siu 2009 Book
Between Good and Ghetto: African American Girls and Inner-City Violence Nikki Jones 2009 Book
Globalization's Muse: Universities and Higher Education Systems in a Changing World John Aubrey Douglass; C. Judson King; Irwin Feller 2009 Book
Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory Harry Daniels; Kris Gutiérrez; Annalisa Sannino 2009 Book
The Fifth Freedom: Jobs, Politics, and Civil Rights in the United States, 1941-1972b Anthony 2009 Book
Punishing the Poor The Neoliberal Government of the Social Insecurity Loic Wacquant 2009 Book
Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity Loïc Wacquant 2009 Book
Longing and Belonging Parents, Children, and Consumer Culture 2009 Book
American Counterinsurgency: Human Science and the Human Terrain rober 2009 Book
Do Prisons Make Us Safer? The Benefits and Costs of the Prison Boom Steven Raphael; Michael A. Stoll 2009 Book
Organizing at the Margins: The Symbolic Politics of Labor in South Korea and the United States Jennifer Jihye Chun 2009 Book
Mexicans in California Patricia Zavella 2009 Book
Derrida and the Time of the Political Pheng Cheah; Suzanne Guerlac 2009 Book
Economists and Societies: Discipline and Profession in the United States, Britain, and France, 1890s to 1990s Marion Fourcade 2009 Book
Black Europe and the African Diaspora Stephen Small; Trica Danielle Keaton; Darlene Clark Hine 2009 Book
Racial Fault Lines- The Historical Origins of White Supremacy in California Tomás Almaguer 2008 Book
Dance Dance Revolution Cathy Park Hong 2008 Book
Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba 2008 Book
God's Heart Has No Borders Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo 2008 Book
Unfinished Business: Closing the Racial Achievement Gap in Our Schools Pedro Noguera 2008 Book
After the War on Crime: Race, Democracy, and a New Reconstruction Ian Haney López; Mary Louise Frampton; Jonathan Simon 2008 Book
Getting Saved in America: Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience Carolyn Chen 2008 Book
Cracks in the Pavement: Social Change and Resilience in Poor Neighborhoods Martín Sánchez-Jankowski 2008 Book
The trouble with Black boys: And other reflections on race, equity, and the future of public education. Pedro Noguera 2008 Book
Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality Loïc Wacquant 2008 Book
Three Black Generations at the Crossroads: Community, Culture, and Consciousness 2007 Book
Asian Diasporas: New Formations, New Conceptions Rhacel S. Parreñas; Lok Siu 2007 Book
Expressing New Mexico- Nuevomexicano Creativity, Ritual, and Memory Phillip B. Gonzales 2007 Book
Shanghai Splendor: A Cultural History, 1843-1945 Wen-hsin Yeh 2007 Book
Women and Migration in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands: A Reader Denise A. Segura 2007 Book
Solving Latino Psychosocial and Health Problems: Theory, Practice, and Populations Kurt Organista 2007 Book
The Conditions for Admission: Access, Equity, and the Social Contract of Public Universities John Douglass 2007 Book
Domestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning & Caring in the Shadows of Affluence Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo 2007 Book
The Company Doctor Risk, Responsibility, and Corporate Professionalism Elaine Draper 2007 Book
Governing Through Crime: How the War on Crime Transformed American Democracy and Created a Culture of Fear Jonathan Simon 2007 Book
Inhuman Conditions: On Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights Pheng Cheah 2007 Book
AfroAsian Encounters: Culture, History, Politics Shannon Steen; Heike Raphael-Hernandez 2006 Book
Girls in Trouble with the Law 2006 Book
Beyond Resistance! Youth Activism and Community Change Pedro Noguera 2006 Book
Free at Last? Black America in the Twenty-first Century Anthony J. Lemelle, Jr. 2006 Book
Legal Borderlands: Law and the Construction of American Borders Mary L. Dudziak; Leti Volpp 2006 Book