Malignant: How Cancer Becomes Us |
S. Lochlann Jain |
2013 |
Book |
Global Families: A History of Asian International Adoption in America |
Catherine Ceniza Choy |
2013 |
Book |
Race Frameworks: A Multidimensional Theory of Racism and Education |
Zeus Leonardo |
2013 |
Book |
So How's the Family? |
Arlie R Hochschild |
2013 |
Book |
Engine Empire |
Cathy Park Hong |
2013 |
Book |
Immigration, Poverty, and Socioeconomic Inequality |
David Card; Steven Raphael |
2013 |
Book |
Securing Paradise: Tourism and Militarism in Hawai'i and the Philippines |
Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez |
2013 |
Book |
"We Live in the Shadow": Inner-City Kids Tell Their Stories through Photographs |
2013 |
Book |
Why Are So Many Americans in Prison? |
Steven Raphael |
2013 |
Book |
A World You Do Not Know: Settler Societies, Indigenous Peoples and the Attack on Cultural Diversity |
Samson |
2013 |
Book |
Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States |
Seth M. Holmes |
2013 |
Book |
Reflections from the Field: How Coaching Made Us Better Teachers |
Colette Cann |
2013 |
Book |
Kinesthetic City: Dance and Movement in Chinese Urban Spaces |
SanSan Kwan |
2013 |
Book |
Markets of Sorrow, Labors of Faith: New Orleans in the Wake of Katrina |
Vincanne Adams |
2013 |
Book |
Small Cities USA: Growth, Diversity, and Inequality |
norma |
2013 |
Book |
A Disability of the Soul: An Ethnography of Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in Japan |
Karen Nakamura |
2013 |
Book |
Children in Crisis: Ethnographic Studies in International Contexts |
Manata Hashemi; Martín Sánchez-Jankowski |
2013 |
Book |
Lament in the Night |
Shōson Nagahar; Andrew Leong |
2012 |
Book |
The SAGE Handbook of Punishment and Society |
Richard Sparks; Jonathan Simon |
2012 |
Book |
Sancho's Journal: Exploring the Political Edge with the Brown Berets |
David Montejano |
2012 |
Book |
Steep: The Precipitous Rise of the Tea Party |
Lawrence Rosenthal; Christine Trost |
2012 |
Book |
Black Masculinity and Sexual Politics |
Anthony J. Lemelle, Jr. |
2012 |
Book |
New Routes for Diaspora Studies |
Sukanya Banerjee; Aims McGuinness; Steven C. McKay |
2012 |
Book |
Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect |
Mel Chen |
2012 |
Book |
Opening Minds, Improving Lives: Education and Women’s Empowerment in Honduras |
Erin Murphy-Graham |
2012 |
Book |
Race Decoded: The Genomic Fight for Social Justice |
Catherine Bliss |
2012 |
Book |
The Outsourced Self: What Happens When We Pay Others to Live Our Lives for Us |
Arlie R Hochschild |
2012 |
Book |
Three Worlds of Relief: Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State from the Progressive Era to the New Deal |
Cybelle Fox |
2012 |
Book |
New Perspectives on Slavery and Colonialism in the Caribbean |
Stephen Small |
2012 |
Book |
The Enculturated Gene: Sickle Cell Health Politics and Biological Difference in West Africa |
2011 |
Book |
The City That Became Safe |
Franklin Zimring |
2011 |
Book |
Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life |
Annette Lareau |
2011 |
Book |
Invisible No More: Understanding the Disenfrachisement of Latino Men and Boys |
Pedro Noguera; Aida Hurtado; Edward Fergus |
2011 |
Book |
Handbook of African American Health- Social and Behavioral Interventions |
Anthony J. Lemelle, Jr. |
2011 |
Book |
Creating the Opportunity to Learn: Moving from Research to Practice to Close the Achievement Gap |
A. Wade Boykin; Pedro Noguera |
2011 |
Book |
Rallying for Immigrant Rights: The Fight for Inclusion in 21st Century America |
Irene Bloemraad; Kim Voss |
2011 |
Book |
Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys |
Victor Rios |
2011 |
Book |
Developmental Fairy Tales: Evolutionary Thinking and Modern Chinese Culture |
Andrew F. Jones |
2011 |
Book |
Epidemiology and the People's Health: Theory and Context |
2011 |
Book |
Integration Interrupted: Tracking, Black Students, and Acting White After Brown |
Karolyn Tyson |
2011 |
Book |
Civic Hopes and Political Realities: Immigrants, Community Organizations, and Political Engagement |
S. Karthick Ramakrishnan; Irene Bloemraad |
2011 |
Book |
Enduring Legacies: Ethnic Histories and Cultures of Colorado |
elisa |
2011 |
Book |
Street Life: Poverty, Gangs and a Ph.D |
Victor Rios |
2011 |
Book |
Choosing Ethnicity, Negotiating Race: Korean Adoptees in America |
Mia Tuan; Jiannbiin Lee Shiao |
2011 |
Book |
I'm Neither Here nor There: Mexicans’ Quotidian Struggles with Migration and Poverty |
Patricia Zavella |
2011 |
Book |
The Survival of Soap Opera: Transformations for a New Media Era |
Sam Ford; Abigail De Kosnik; C. Lee Harrington |
2010 |
Book |
Militarizing Culture Essays on the Warfare State |
rober |
2010 |
Book |
Witchcraft, Sorcery or Medical Practice?: The Demand, Supply and Regulation of Indigenous Medicines in Durban, South Africa (1844-2002) |
Thokozani Xaba |
2010 |
Book |
Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Health, and Illness in the U.S. |
Adele E. Clarke; Laura Mamo; Jennifer Ruth Fosket; Jennifer R. Fishman; Janet Shim |
2010 |
Book |
Hip Hop Desis: South Asian Americans, Blackness, and a Global Race Consciousness |
Nitasha Tamar Sharma |
2010 |
Book |