Affiliate - AARC

Salar Mameni

Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Laura C. Nelson

Gender and Women's Studies, UC Berkeley

Daniel O'Neill

Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley

Karthick Ramakrishnan

Director, AAPI Data Project, UC Berkeley

Karthick Ramakrishnan is founder and director of AAPI Data, a nationally recognized publisher of demographic data and policy research on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, based at the Asian American Research Center, UC Berkeley. He is also Strategy Lead for the Americas at School of International Futures, and Senior Advisor at States for the Future.

Ramakrishnan previously served as Executive Director of California 100, a transformative statewide initiative focused on California’s next century. He also served for four...

Shannon Steen

Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies, UC Berkeley

Jere Takahashi

Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, UC Berkeley