Module 01: Tribal Entrepreneurship and Capitalism

Topics to be Covered

This module contains presentations that speak to the question of the compatibility of Native American culture and society with the kind of market-based capitalism dominant in the surrounding American society. The initial presentation, entitled “The Role of Entrepreneurship in Achieving Sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples,” first reviews the history of Native American peoples in the Americas and debunks the notion that they did not embrace private property or market-based exchange. In this presentation we learn that, in fact, private property and market exchange were widespread in many Native American communities and served a variety of purposes. Though Native American cultures are generally compatible with business entrepreneurship, there are many barriers that stand in the way of business formation in Indian Country. These obstacles range from challenges in accessing capital to problems in acquiring the right financial training. In addition, business owners and founders running private businesses operating in tribal communities face uniquely burdensome regulations imposed by multiple governmental agencies. It is essential, this speaker maintains, to surmount these barriers and to foster private entrepreneurship in Indian Country if Native American communities are to thrive. Whatever kind of economic development happens in Indian Country, it needs to take into account the basic cultural tenets of Native American culture, according to the second presentation entitled “Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics.” These principles include egalitarianism, high interpersonal trust, respect, and reciprocity in business and personal relationships. In addition, the Native American culture does not place the same high value on acquisitiveness as American culture does, and so business transactions are more likely to be embedded in ongoing social relationships.

Learning Outcomes

These presentations will make it clearer to students how Native American society and culture can support business entrepreneurship. Students will also have a better sense of how such entrepreneurship can be adapted to Native American society and culture.


The Role of Entrepreneurship in Achieving Sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples - Robert Miller April 4

(45 min (start at 10:00 to 54:04))
Source/Attribution: SFU Beedie School of Business

Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics: Introduction

Source/Attribution: NMSU Business College