GFP Alum Books

The Black Elite: Facing the Color Line in the Twilight of the Twentieth Century

Lois Benjamin

Lois Benjamin- Using in-depth interviews of high achieving African Americans who came of age prior to or before the Civil Rights movement and those who grew up in the post-Civil Rights era, this book documents that race still matters in the twenty-first century. The work details the lived experiences of African Americans and how they grapple daily with what W. E. Du Bois called the double consciousness, living within and between two worlds. A new chapter details how the post-Civil Rights generation interprets and navigates the racial terrain differently than the...

The Retreat from Race: Asian-American Admissions and Racial Politics

Dana Y. Takagi

by Dana Y Takagi- “An excellent book. Takagi takes a very complex and sensitive subject—racial politics—and shows, through a careful analysis . . . that changes in the discourse about Asian American admissions have facilitated a 'retreat from race' in the area of affirmative action. . . . This book will appeal to an audience significantly wider than a typical academic one.”— David Karen, Bryn Mawr College

Charges by Asian Americans that the top...

The Right Tools for the Job: At Work in Twentieth-Century Life Sciences

Joan H. Fujimura

Edited by Adele E. Clarke and Joan H. Fujimura- This volume examines scientific practice through studies of research tools in an array of twentieth-century life sciences. The contributors draw upon and extend the multidisciplinary perspectives in current science studies to understand the processes through which scientific researchers constructed the right—and, in some cases, the wrong—tools for the job. The articles...

Sunbelt Working Mothers: Reconciling Factory and Family

Patricia Zavella


The recession of the 1980s triggered important economic and cultural changes in the United States, and working women were at the center of these changes. Sunbelt Working Motherscompares the experiences of Mexican–American and white mothers employed in apparel and electronics factories in Albuquerque and illuminates the ways in which individual women manage the competing demands of two roles. Authors Lamphere, Zavella, Gonzales, and Evans show how these mothers-without the...

Building with Our Hands: New Directions in Chicana Studies

Beatriz M. Pesquera

by Adela de la Torre (Editor), Beatriz M. Pesquera (Editor)- This is the first interdisciplinary collection of articles addressing the unique history of Chicana women. From a diverse range of perspectives, a new generation of Chicana scholars here chronicles the previously undocumented rich tapestry of Chicanas'...

Racialised Barriers: The Black Experience in the United States and England in the 1980's

Stephen Small

Stephen Small- A systematic comparison of key differences and similarities in the experience of black people in the US and England amidst racial hostility. Small argues for an approach to combatting this built on shared racial identities.

Gendered Transitions- Mexican Experiences of Immigration

Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo

Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo-The momentous influx of Mexican undocumented workers into the United States over the last decades has spurred new ways of thinking about immigration. Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo's incisive book enlarges our understanding of these recently arrived Americans and uncovers the myriad ways that women and men recreate families and community institutions in a new land.

Hondagneu-Sotelo argues that people do not migrate as a result of concerted household strategies, but as a consequence of negotiations often fraught with

Understanding Older Chicanas

Elisa Facio

Elisa Facio- Focusing on an overlooked and understudied population, Understanding Older Chicanas examines older Chicanas′ lives, status, and public policy needs. Chicana elderly tend to be poor, reflecting the economic position of Chicanos in American society; they also tend to be stereotyped as widows and grandmothers, reflecting the cultural values of Mexican American society. This work shows how Chicana elderly cope with this economic and cultural marginality and how they gain the personal and financial resources they require. Author Elisa Facio also relates...

Social and Political Dynamics of the Informal Economy in African Cities: Nairobi and Harare

Kinuthia Macharia

Kinuthia Macharia- In Africa, urbanites have used their ethnicity, friendship, and rural places of origin to cement their life in the cities, most particularly in the development of small enterprises. Social and Political Dynamics of the Informal Economy in African Citiesexplores how informal economies in African cities operate. The book, which focuses specifically on the on the Jua Kali in Kenya, also investigates the significance of various forms of social networks and how urban migrants have used them for shelter and establishing informal...