Jacob Barton

Department and Institution: 
Berkeley School of Education, UC Berkeley

Jake Barton is a former high school science teacher and a PhD Candidate at the Berkeley School of Education. He works with K-12 teachers and students throughout the East Bay, seeking to support their engagement with environmental and climate justice. As part of this work, he has helped facilitate an ongoing professional development program for teachers called OTACA (Oakland Teachers Advancing Climate Action) for the past several years. His dissertation is focused on this program and a design-based collaboration with several teachers and the Lawrence Hall of Science, through which students have designed ArcGIS “StoryMaps” for an exhibit on the future of food. Classroom observations, interviews, and classroom artifacts form the core data through which Jake seeks to understand teachers’ pedagogical practices around map-making, and the kinds of critical, interdisciplinary analyses it can support. Through this work, Jake aims to help create conditions of empowerment for teachers and students to advance spatial justice in their communities.
