Upcoming events are listed here (if nothing is listed, check back soon!)

Past Events and Working Groups

Event Flyer for Mika Imai: Framing LGBTQ/Deaf Intersectionality

The UC Berkeley Center for the Study of Sexual Culture featured the filmmaker Mika Imai
from Japan, the creator of the LGBTQ/Deaf films 
Ginger and Honey Milk and Until Rainbow Dawn

Dissertation Retreats

Every other year, the CSSC sponsors, in conjunction with the Center for Race and Gender (CRG), a two-day dissertation workshop retreat that brings together 3-4 faculty advisors and 8-12 doctoral candidates whose dissertation research focuses on interactions of sexuality, race, and gender. The retreat is intended to provide an opportunity for doctoral students to receive in-depth feedback on their dissertation projects from other students and faculty with related yet diverse research interests, as well as to participate in formal and informal discussions about broader theoretical, methodological, and professional issues relevant to work at the intersection of sexuality, race, and gender. So as to continue the scholarly conversations initiated at the retreat, graduate student participants are invited to present additional work as part of the CRG’s Thursday Forum series the following semester. 

Becoming Ungovernable Event Flyer

Becoming Ungovernable: Trans Life Against The State
Eric Stanley in conversation with Jemma Decristo, Monday, April 12, 2021