Rashad Arman Timmons

Department and Institution: 
African Diaspora Studies, UC Berkeley

Rashad Arman Timmons is a community builder, keyboardist, writer, and black feminist educator from Detroit, Michigan. A beloved child of factory workers, urban gardeners, prayer warriors, and musicians, Rashad is a lifelong student of the ways black folk manipulate and adorn the built environment to envision freedom. A doctoral candidate in African Diaspora Studies with a Designated Emphasis in New Media Studies, Rashad’s dissertation explores urban infrastructures as critical sites where the lived social relations that come to define blackness are enacted, visualized, and challenged. His project focuses on Ferguson, MO, and engages how black subjects in the region have reordered sedimented geographies of power by seizing infrastructures as sites of black political insurgency, wake work, tactical disruption, and sabotage. Rashad received his M.A. in African American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, and earned a M.A. and B.A. in Journalism from Michigan State University.
