
Name Department and Institution Role
Nicole Lindahl-Ruiz Jurisprudence & Social Policy, UC Berkeley Visiting Scholar - CRSC
Fenyong Liu Public Health, UC Berkeley Affiliate - AARC
Nancy H. Liu Psychology, UC Berkeley Affiliate - AARC
Yan Long Sociology, UC Berkeley Affiliate - BCSM
Mary Louise Frampton Law, UC Davis Affiliate - CRSC
Kristina Lovato Social Welfare, UC Berkeley Affiliate - CRSC
Sheng Luan Plant and Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley Advisory Board - AARC
Cristiana Lucchetti Former Visiting Scholar - CRSC
Jason Luger Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University, UK Affiliate - CRWS
Deborah Freedman Lustig Associate Director Staff
Colleen Lye English, UC Berkeley Advisory Board - AARC
Hilary Lynd History, UC Berkeley Grad Student - CRWS
Salar Mameni Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley Affiliate - AARC
Sarah Manchanda Education, UC Berkeley Grad Student - ISSI
Daryl Mangosing Public Health, UC Berkeley Grad Student - BCSM, Grad Student - ISSI, Graduate Fellow - Second Year
Clara Mantini-Briggs Co Director, The Center for the Critical Study of the Health of Latinx Communities, Latinx Research Center, UC Berkeley Affiliate - BCSM, Affiliate - ISSI
Kendrick Manymules Geography, UC Berkeley Grad Student - CRNAI, Grad Student - ISSI
Kendrick Manymules Geography, UC Berkeley Grad Student - CRNAI, Grad Student - ISSI
Robin Marsh Senior Researcher, Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, UC Berkeley Researcher, Staff
Waldo Martin History, UC Berkeley Affiliate - CRSC