Journal of Right-Wing Studies

February 7, 2023

The cover of Journal of Right-Wing StudiesIssue Zero presents a roundtable discussion on the state of Right-Wing Studies, featuring twelve scholars from a variety of disciplinary and methodological backgrounds: Carol Mason (Kentucky), Daniel HoSang (Yale) and Joseph Lowndes (Oregon), Minoo Moallem (UC Berkeley), Carol Joffe (UC San Francisco), Janet McIntosh (Brandeis), Roger Griffin (Oxford Brookes), Cas Mudde (Georgia), Fred Block (UC Davis), Terri Givens (McGill), Eliah Bures (UC Berkeley), Hilal Ahmed (CSDS, Delhi), and Ângela Figueiredo (Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia/PPGNEIM e POSAFRO/UFBA).