Indigenous Archaeology: Past, Present, and Future

February 4, 2021

Morino Baca, a Native American graduate student in public health, works on an archaeology project in Pueblo de Abiquiú in New Mexico near where he was born. (Photo by Danny Sosa Aguilar)Several of ISSI's Joseph A. Myers Center for Research on Native American Issues Center affiliates were quoted in this article, including Peter Nelson, an alum of ISSI's Graduate Fellows Program who is now a UC Berkeley faculty member, and Danny Sosa Aguilar who was recently awarded a Myers Center mini-grant for his research. "'All these wonderful tools and methodology speak to our preservationist values as Indigenous archaeologists and to the values of tribal communities,'" Nelson mentions. Though anthropology has a "checkered past," Nelson mentions that he does not wish to see anthropology’s ignominious history eclipse the good coming out of Indigenous archaeology.