Empire of Resentment

September 10, 2020

As the US becomes more diverse, some white voters feel a rising resentment that they could lose power and privileges. That anger finds form in the growing white nationalist movement says Lawrence Rosenthal, founder of ISSI's Center for Right Wing Studies.An interview with ISSI's Center for Right-Wing Studies chair Larry Rosenthal about his new book Empire of Resentment: Populism's Toxic Embrace of Nationalism was featured in the Berkeley News. An excerpt from the book, "How Identity Politics Became All About White Men," is available on Medium. "The fierceness of the new identity movements [of Trumpism, the Tea Party and the alt-right] is more about status lost than property lost. It is a loss so profoundly felt that it has generated a fierceness powerful enough to transform politics in the U.S. — and in much of the Western world."