Grad Student - AARC

Joshua Acosta

Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Tak-Huen Chau

Political Science, UC Berkeley

Tak-Huen Chau is a PhD candidate in political science and MA candidate in economics. He is interested in social identities and political behavior in general. Currently, he is working on projects that utilize formal theory and surveys to explain dominant group attitudes on national identity, assimilation, and bilingual education.

Lena Chen

Performance Studies, UC Berkeley

Claire Chun

Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Quennie Dong

School of Education, UC Berkeley

Victoria Huynh

Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Jessica Jiang

Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Jin Hyung Lim

Jin Hyung is a PhD student in the School Psychology Program at the Berkeley School of Education. As an international student from South Korea, he is passionate about promoting the mental health of Asian American students, teachers, and families. Guided by the social-ecological framework and resilience theory, he studies how school and community resources can function as promotive and protective factors for the psychological well-being of Asian Americans.

Lisa Ng

Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Catherine Park

School of Education, UC Berkeley

Catherine Park is a Ph.D. candidate in Education at the University of California, Berkeley with a designated emphasis in Global Metropolitan Studies. Catherine's research centers on how Mandarin-English dual immersion programs offered in private and public/charter schooling interact with not only sociospatial politics of urban spaces, but also transnational movements of capital, peoples, and power. She holds a B.A. in English Literature and Psychology from Swarthmore College, an M.A. in China Studies from Zhejiang University, and has taught in NYC public high schools, where she...